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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Young Women Personal Progress-Individual Worth activity

 My first counselor, Abby Perkins, created this activity.

The young women have been working on their Personal Progress goals on the third Wednesday of each month.  This activity was to demonstrate how good it feels when you say positive things to others. 
 Each of the girls stood in front of the blackboard with their back to the board.

The other girls grabbed pieces of colored chalk and proceeded to write good positive statements about the chosen girl.

Statements that might normally seem negative (like crazy) had to be explained in a positive way.
 Yes, even the leaders were not exempt.  It was a good way to learn how the girls felt when they received positive thoughts.

This activity helped us to remember to speak kindly to each other and build each other up.

Since our ward is very spread out here in Southwest Florida some of our girls only see other LDS youth at church.
We all need to have each other's back and be kind to one another.

We took the pictures so that we will always remember that we are of worth to our friends.